Thursday, April 6, 2023

Happy Birthday, Levi!

Buddy, I can't believe it's been six years since you came into the world. I can't believe it's been six years since you changed it all.

We didn't get to know you as well as we did your sister while you were in the hospital. You came at exactly six o'clock (as if you were looking at the microwave clock and waiting to get in the car). After a little while, everyone went away and we were alone with you. You slept soundly through your first night. The Pulleys and Fernandezes came to visit, and I wound up watching their kids while they met you in the NICU> 

We took you home on a Saturday and had frozen pizza while you laid in your little chair. Grandpa and Nana came to meet you the next day.

I look at you now and I am so proud to be your dad. You do drive me nuts once in a while, but you're so good with your little sister. You've shown her how to button her shirt, you've encouraged her while potty-training. You get so excited about things, and I'm glad I get to spend the extra time in the mornings waiting for the school bus chatting with you about the little things. 

You are into chess at this point in your life, something I didn't see coming. You love paper airplanes and running at full speed in the house. Soon you can do it outside, which I'm really happy about. You just had a birthday party at Big Putts mini-golf. 

I love you.

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