Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Truth About Life 9-28-22

Dear Levi and Naomi,

I'm here to tell you one truth about life. I can't tell you all of them at once, but I think one truth once in a while can't hurt, right?

Here's today's truth. As of this writing, you are five and three years old. And you two are bundles. Bundles of what? Bundles of everything. Bundles of energy just waiting to leak out. Bundles of tears waiting to fall. Levi, you have this noise you make that I love so much. It's the noise of you discovering something cool. It's sort of a whoaaaaaaaa noise, but it sounds like it comes from your gut or something. You are bundles of life, and today's truth is that as parents, we're not always great at accepting your energy.

You'll discover this when you get older, but us adults have a million and one things bouncing around our brains. For example, in the mornings, we have to get both of you ready for day care and school, but we also have to get ourselves ready and possibly do some work. So if our response is absent-minded, that's why. We can't drop everything all the time to make food or do nails. I do want to slow down and enjoy you more, though. 

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