Monday, February 28, 2022

5 minutes- 2.28.22

State of mind: Almost exhausted.

How did the last week go?

I would give the week a B-. Ice storm Mon night and Tuesday turned Tuesday into a crapshow. Kids home, Sarah home, me home. It didn't go too badly though. Thursday was good overall. Storytime at Greendale was good and I'm excited that it's going on every Thurs until March 31. Afternoon seemed long because my goal is to keep Levi off screens as much as I can. Friday went quicker. I did give Levi some TV time just so I could get stuff done. The dropoffs and pickups went really smoothly. Friday just seemed really long because Sarah was not feeling well at all, so I entertained the kids even with her home at night.

The weekend was not fun. Trying to do so much in terms of installing car seat and getting desk up was just very tiring, and then Levi can't go to bed by himself. We need to move his bedtime earlier so that we have more time together. Then last night I spent an hour with him trying to figure why he's scared. It's to me the problem we have to tackle most urgently along with potty training. Sunday wasn't too bad. Kids were really good in church. 

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